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My property journey and my pathway into real estate

I have recently had the opportunity to speak to a reporter from The Property Tribune, we spoke about my property journey and my unusual pathway into real estate. 

My personal property journey started when I was 24 and bought a worker’s cottage in Shenton Park that I sold three years later. I went on to buy and sell houses in City Beach, West Leederville, Wembley Downs, Wembley, and Scarborough. 

This experience transacting my own property helped equip me with skills and knowledge which I now use to help others.

I know selling a house can be quite daunting. When someone wants to sell their home, they often do not know where to start in terms of getting it ready.

I always loved buying older houses and taking the time to make improvements. I learned that making properties as presentable as they can be before putting them on the market is important.

In the interview, I reflected on my pathway into real estate. I worked as a chartered accountant for seven years before I followed in the footsteps of my mother who was a high-profile real estate agent.
With a lot of annual leave owing, I decided to have a change of pace and check out what Mum did in her business. I enjoyed it so much that I left my accounting job and went to work with Mum full time.

We worked together for 20 years and had a lot of fun along the way.

I sell homes in City Beach, Floreat, Wembley Downs, Wembley, and Churchlands. I got the chance to talk about why I love to sell in these areas.

I have lived in City Beach for most of my life. My family and I eat at the local cafes and restaurants. We love the beach, the walks, the parks. I even attended the local school.

This is home to me, and I absolutely love living in the area, so it is quite easy to sell that lifestyle to prospective buyers. 
My local knowledge positions me well to market properties in the area.

In real estate, no two clients are the same and no two properties are the same and that is what I thoroughly enjoy. There is no typical day in my job.

To me, being a real estate agent means always being available and putting my job and my clients first.

07th Apr 2022 2 minutes read